How Long Do African Grey Parrots Live as Pets

If you have an African grey parrot, you know they make unique pets.

They are known for their intelligence, warmth, kindness, and chatty nature. And hear this: greys are also quite longlived.

It never comes as a surprise when I find a Congo grey almost as old as some of the junior members of its household. One of my oldest pals has had one since he was a child, and trust me, he is not a young soul.

  • So, how long do African greys live on average?
  • Does the lifespan of an African grey vary while in the wild or in captivity?
  • Is there anything you can do to prolong your African grey’s life?

Well, let’s find out!

These beauties typically live 40 to 60 years. As such, it’s imperative to grasp the responsibility of owning an African grey.

Typically, African grey parrots can live up to 70 years in the wild, especially if they avoid hazards and predators. However, their average lifespan tends to fall between 40 and 60 years.

In captivity (as pets), the average lifespan is 20 years, though some will live up to 40 years if provided with proper nutrition, care, and environment.

I’d like you to please read below for more insight.

How Long Do African Grey Parrots Live as Pets (In-Captivity)

The average lifespan of most African grey parrots when kept as pets is anywhere from 20 to 30 years, much less than wild types. In captivity, factors that are not necessarily an issue in the wild are most likely responsible for the compromised lifespan of an African grey.

In my experience, improper diet is the number one cause of premature death. Greys have conspicuously special dietary needs, such as supplemental calcium, the lack of which may cause seizures. A diet low in fat is also essential since African greys are prone to obesity. As such, keep seeds and nuts below 10 percent of a grey’s diet.

Annual check-ups by a qualified avian vet are also essential since parrots notoriously hide illnesses, and by the time they become symptomatic, they are already circling the drain.

Annual bloodwork is crucial to determine whether your Grey is getting all essential nutritional needs, including calcium: Ricky Klugman, experienced African Grey owner.

The other cause of premature death is the environment at home. For instance, African grey parrots require natural lighting, which is not always available in indoor cages. Moreover, while these birds do best in a temperature range of 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (23 to 27 Celsius), most temperate climates only reach these figures in warmer seasons. 

As such, most times, you’ll need supplement lighting with overhead full-spectrum lighting and to insulate your greys cage if you live in colder regions to keep your birds comfy.

Although these tricks still don’t guarantee your birdie a long life, they are better when implemented than if not.

How Old is The Oldest African Grey Parrot

Most accounts on the oldest African Grey parrots are neither here nor there. While there are claims Churchill had a Grey that lived for 104 years, there is little evidence to back this claim.

Perhaps the most compelling and best-documented account of the oldest African Grey I’ve had to date is that of Tarbu, a Congo grey owned by Nina Morgan, who lived to age 55.

According to UK news reports, the parrot was rescued in 1957 as a chick from an animal trader in Tanzania, where Nina worked as a flight engineer.

Tarbu, 55, an African grey parrot, squawked his final farewell to Nina Morgan, 89, as she made her way to bed—source: The Telegraph, 14th Sep 2012.

That said, I’m sure there are old African greys whose stories are not documented, probably because once a person has had a parrot for so many years, they stop going to forums.

Evidently, you will only find newer bird owners with young greys in forums and birding circles exchanging hacks they’ve picked up in their short stint keeping parrots.

How Can You Tell How Old an African Grey Is

With most parrot species, it is challenging to tell the age of your birdie if you have not had it since it was a chick. For instance, once a cockatiel has developed its full adult plumage, the age of a bird you haven’t raised cannot be determined.

A 2-year-old bird may look the same as a 12-year-old bird. That said, while there is the rumor that DNA testing can prove the age of a bird, including African parrots, it’s overkill while all of you are curious.

So, what other alternatives do you have? Well, let’s say there are a few tricks, though the conclusions are often not too accurate.

First, African greys reach sexual maturity at 4 to 5 years of age, which is around the time they start breeding. From around 6 months, they mostly remain the same in terms of appearance, which remains the same entirely.

However, while the eyes are dark grey to black in juveniles, the iris is yellow around the dark pupils of adult birds. This implies your African grey eyes will change color anywhere between the ages of 1 and 5.

Under six months, they will have dark grey to black eyes. At age one, the iris will turn to a lighter grey. As the bird gets to about two years, the iris will turn to a light straw yellow, and between ages three and five, it will turn into a darker yellow.

Another clue to look out for in younger African greys is molting. These parrots usually start dropping their soft, downy feathers between 8 and 24 months of age. 

The following methods can help you determine your birdie’s age: size and weight. An average-sized African grey bird measures between 12 and 14 inches from its beak to tail and weighs between 400 and 600 grams. So, if your parrot measures less than these measurements, it’s most likely younger than 5 years.

With all that said, it’s imperative to mention that after your African grey reaches 5 years of age, there is no accurate way to tell your bird’s age if you haven’t been keen.

That’s all for this post.

Happy Birding

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